2016-05-15 如何下載使用 OSMData.
#g0vsummit Unconference - How to download and use OSMData.
Facebook thread - https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/permalink/1053386011393534/
參與者 / Participant
- Yantisa Akhadi
- Dongpo Deng
- Rex Tsai
- Reported from CW.com.tw 天下? 記者
- Jason - 待過氣象局的經驗,曾經研究需要將地震跟天氣氣象放在地圖上。
- 小 GIS - 其玄
- Hong - Backend developer
- 飯田哲
- 林旭宏
- 許煌鑫
- ...
討論議題 / Agenda
- A end user can access to offline map data with Maps.me, Locus Map, OurxMap on Android Phone.
- Download pbf, xml, shp fiels from planet , or download only Taiwan area data from geofabrik.
- Generate and print the map with Maperitive.
- Use overpass turbo to access interestedPOI and export as GeoJSON.
- How to use and access to customized vector map by own server or commercial service like mapbox.
- what’s a good story to convince local government to use OpenStreetMap?
Follow up online discussion
- kcwu: http://extract.bbbike.org 雖然要等幾分鐘,但能夠指定某個區域,下載相當多種格式
台灣OpenStreetMap網站 http://www.openstreetmap.tw
台灣社群Facebook社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/
郵件論壇 https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw