2016-05-15 如何下載使用 OSMData.

‪#‎g0vsummit‬ Unconference - How to download and use OSMData.

Facebook thread - https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenStreetMap.TW/permalink/1053386011393534/

參與者 / Participant

討論議題 / Agenda

  1. A end user can access to offline map data with Maps.me, Locus Map, OurxMap  on Android Phone.
  1. Download pbf, xml, shp fiels from planet , or download only Taiwan area data from geofabrik.
  2. Generate and print the map with Maperitive
  3. Use overpass turbo to access interestedPOI and export as GeoJSON.
  1. How to use and access to customized vector map by own server or commercial service like mapbox.
  2. what’s a good story to convince local government to use  OpenStreetMap?

Follow up online discussion  


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