> Q Yang Shih Cheng: hi I am first time mapper, I have a question, if I don’t know the name or characteristic of the area, can I just circle it without putting any name?
> A Slayer: Alan, I will just use "building" as property. The local volunteer should do a further verification since we know nothing about that building
> Q mcdlee: How to know what level of the highway is?
> A yellowsoar: if the color of road is gray, it prob. be highway=unclassified
> Q Yang Shih Cheng: From the map, the boundary area/size of the building is not clear, the buildings are just connecting to each other. Can I just mark a block of building area and then name them all together as a building? or shall I defray them as little block of building?
> A yellowsoar: defrag them
> Q mcdlee: is this a highway?
> Supaplex: tag as highway =track?
> mcdlee: I think it might be 產業道路 (track) but not sure...
> Q Yang Shih Cheng: One question for map verification part, will I get notice if the map being verified with error? and who is going to verify my updating map? the admin or the prof mappers?
> A Supaplex: Another experience mappers will do the verify process
> Q Yang Shih Cheng: is there any rule to verify the updated maps?
or is there any discussion about such kind of verification progress in OSm community?
> A Supaplex: Due to there’s many new mappers in the Nepal Earthquake crisis mapping, there are many errors. The simplest one is no tagging or just tag area=yes but it should be landuse=residential
> Yang Shih Cheng: what happen if no tagging? I mean, if I don’t know what I shall tag with
> Yellowsoar:> keep it
> Yang Shih Cheng: will the mapper get notify to tag again or the experienced will tag for it?
> Supaplex: In the current iD editor, it is not allowed with no tagging
> Yellowsoar: fixme = yes
> Supaplex: You have to at least choose one highway=xxx for road and landuse=residential in most of the case
> Yang Shih Cheng: cool, I’m using ID editor, and it actually mention/remind me about no tagging part of the map
> Supaplex: and building=yes if you’re not sure how to tag buildings, it’s the most safe option.
> Q mcdlee: How should we determine the direction of stream?
Some Screen Shots about this Mapping Event
Next Mapping (Maybe)
So next round will be the response to earth quake among Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan.
we would love to encourage the mapping for local disaster risk map (社區防災地圖), Maybe we can start collecting the training materials that allows the junior/senior high school students to be the community volunteers (or maybe for the geography class)